There are several moving pieces on this blog, and it could change in the future. However, these are the tools I'm using:
- Git. A version control system.
- Github. A code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.
- Github Actions. A workflow runner that I use to handle my CI/CD system.
- Firebase Hosting. A web content hosting to deploy web apps with a dynamic CDN.
- Vue.js. A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
- NuxtJS. A Vue.js framework to generate a static website with a sprinkle of SPA over it.
- Nuxt Content Module. A Git-based Headless CMS that empowers me to write markdown files for my content on version control.
- Cloudinary. A media optimized CDN.
- Prism.js. A lightweight code syntax highlighter.
- Jest. A JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
- SCSS. A feature rich, and mature CSS pre-processor.
- Ramda. A JavaScript utility library with a functional programming approach to avoid side effects.
- Google fonts. A repository of open source fonts, powered by Google.
- Plausible. A a lightweight and open-source website analytics tool. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR.